The Gift of Adoption
The Fourth Sunday of Advent — The Gift of Adoption
He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn — not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God. (John 1:10-13, NLT)
Dear 15:5 Family & Friends,
Are you one of God’s favourites? We often speak of choosing to receive the gift of salvation that Jesus offers to those who receive Him. The verses above in John 1 would affirm that thought. Why wouldn’t we choose eternal life, forgiveness, grace, blessing, the Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and becoming a joint heir with Jesus? The bigger mystery is why people would reject the God who loves them and all that He offers to those who humbly receive Him.
The greater question that I often ponder is why would God choose to adopt me? Although I am aware of my shortfalls, selfishness, and sinful choices, God knew all of those things about me before I was ever born! God didn’t have to ask Himself, “what have I done by adopting Lou?!?” The same is true for you, and all who have accepted His free, yet costly gift.
The fact that we are adopted as children of God declares that we are God’s choice. We didn’t clean up our lives and make them presentable to God. We accepted the gift of Life that Jesus offered and He cleaned us up. His love and unconditional acceptance are transformative. God adopts us not because we are so lovely, but because He is so loving. God doesn’t need a relationship with us. He wants one! He has adopted us to know Him, walk with Him, love Him, and follow Him.
As one of the authors of our Advent Devotional wrote, “Perhaps we aren't meant to fully understand it (God’s unconditional love), but rather accept it." This side of Heaven, we can’t fully understand it.
This Sunday is the 4th Sunday of Advent. We will look at the Gift of Adoption that God lavishly offers to us, and wants us to share with others. Join us this Sunday to find out if you’re one of God’s favourites!
Grateful that God chose me before I ever deserved to be chosen,