“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing."
John 15:5

15:5 Church is all about genuine relationships: With God, His family, our community, and the world. People often comment about how friendly we are, but the warmth comes from knowing that God loves us unconditionally — as well as every person we'll ever meet!
We want our church to grow in relationship with God and people, and to bear fruit for God's glory. Our mission is to follow Jesus, love people and serve the world. We want to know God more intimately, follow Jesus more faithfully, and love people more fully.
At 15:5 Church, we act like a loving family because we are! We are a community of people who have been changed by the love and grace of God found in Jesus Christ. He loved us when we were sinners and even before we believed there was a God! His love reshapes the way we think and live, both individually and as a church family.
We’ve experienced God's transforming embrace, and we want to share His amazing love, grace and forgiveness with others. We know that we're not better than anyone else — we just realize how desperately we need God! Our lives are radically different than before knowing Jesus, but God is far from finished with us.
We’re all on a journey together, helping each other in our struggles and celebrating our joys and successes. We are a church family because of God's undeserved goodness to us.

Our atmosphere is warm and casual. 15:5 is a church family of all ages and backgrounds, from families with young children to energetic senior adults. Some of us have followed Jesus for many years, and others are still seeking to understand who He is.
Whether you are brand new to church, been away for a long time, or new to Saskatoon and looking for a church family, you are genuinely welcome here. If 15:5 Church isn't a good fit for you, we'll help you find a church family in Saskatoon.
God’s Word, the Bible, is foundational to all we do. We desire to walk in daily, vital relationship with God through His Holy Spirit, His Word, and with other followers of Jesus. Loving God and His Word keeps us humble! God reminds us that He loves everyone, and we should too!
Our story as a church family began in October 2015, meeting in Willowgrove school. We want to share God's unconditional love with the growing communities of Willowgrove, Brighton and Evergreen, as well as greater Saskatoon and beyond. Beginning on July 1, 2018, we began meeting at the Landmark Cinemas in Brighton Marketplace on Sunday mornings at 10 am.

If you have any questions about who we are, or what we believe, contact Pastor Lou at lou@15-5.ca. Lou loves to meet people, hear their stories and help them find answers. He's an easy guy to speak with.